The ongoing feud between 50 Cent and Jay-Z has taken a new twist, with 50 Cent making shocking claims about Jay-Z’s sexuality. In a recent interview with Big Boy, 50 Cent implied that Jay-Z is gay and involved with Diddy, suggesting that Jay-Z’s dislike for him stems from this alleged relationship. This revelation is just the latest in their long-standing rivalry, marked by subliminal shots and public jabs over the years.
During the interview, 50 Cent expressed his belief that Jay-Z did not want him to participate in the NFL Super Bowl halftime show, stating that he received a call about the Pepsi advertisement that excluded him, which he attributes to Jay-Z’s influence. He characterized Jay-Z’s behavior as harboring some lingering animosity toward him.
50 Cent went further by criticizing Jay-Z’s style choices, comparing him to the late artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, whom Jay-Z has openly admired. He suggested that Jay-Z’s attempts to mirror Basquiat’s appearance were questionable and made insinuations about the nature of their relationship, questioning whether Jay-Z is truly straight.
Additionally, the speculation about Diddy’s sexuality is not new. Over the years, Diddy has faced various rumors, particularly following his supportive tweets toward Lil Nas X, which led fans to question his orientation. Previous accusations against Diddy, including a lawsuit from a former Bad Boy Records employee alleging sexual harassment, further complicate the narrative.
As this feud escalates, both 50 Cent and Jay-Z continue to capture public attention. The ongoing tension between them highlights the often tumultuous relationships within the hip-hop industry and how personal dynamics can play out publicly, influencing perceptions and conversations about artists’ identities and relationships.